back home from ODAC pulau ubin camp
was a really memorable camp in lots of ways
got home, put down my stuff, finished my last-minute packing, bathed
went to meet peiwen
the funny thing was i couldnt find peiwen and weihan
and the both of them couldnt find me
so i went back to school alone
finally saw peiwen and weihan haha
reached porch
was really really late
and i still think my fringe is weird
maybe not used to it ba
to the extend that some people dont recognise me !
omigosh .
ok its gonna be a looong post (:
me yeejean jiexi were disturbing people who were sleeping HAHA ok la not disturbing la =x
i think only me and yeejean LOL
peiwen and edward were sleeeping
couldnt resist the urge to kajiao them =x
but but but !!
i was made the scapegoat by yeejean !
LOL .. she hit edward twice and both times he didnt believe it wasnt me who hit him
lmao .
reached jetty
took boat there
split into our groups
made dinner
my group's funny haha ((:
dan washed up
walked a longlonglong way to the toilet
not bad leh the toilet lights are controlled by sensors de LOL
that night the moon was extremely beautiful (:
but i got freaked abit by the meow-ing of a cat
must be kitty HAHA kidding =x
walked back to campsite
and we played games (:
played passing the waterbombs with different rules
ah that was uber funny haha
got abit wet cos couldnt catch the waterbombs
dan we played the pingpong balls game
that was uber funny toooo
haha we all put the blame on keith cos he was the supervising j2 for that game for our group LOLOL =x
was really funny when we formed the letters to show meixing (: haha !
than thought of group perfomance and cheeer
our group cheer's really funny lol !
with the AQUA and TICO actions ! LOL
group performance joined with meifong's group
abit not prepared
but it was still fun (:
had the campfire
really entertaining la some of the group's performances (((: esp peiwen's group
with the cockroach dance and all lol
we all insisted on getting the j2s to perform hahaha
dan ms lim and mr keith koh and ms lim's hubby also prepared a performance for us
they got me and jiexi to sing the frog song
lmao .. dan me and jiexi were like trying to sing faster hahha =x
had a friendship dance around the campfire with everyone thinking of ways to do the dance lol (: made a big round dancing with everyone . was really funny (:
dan all the uniform group people including me stood in one line and started doing hentak kaki with ms lim's hubby giving the commands HAHA ! =D
dan yup end of campfire
prepared for nightwalk
each of us got 2 lightsticks
me jiexi yeejean peiwen were super high la
we kept singing all kinds of songs LOL
from oldies to pop songs =D
paired up with peiwen for the night walk
but cos me peiwen, terence weihan were the last 2 pairs
ms lim decided to swop our partners
so terence ended up my partner and peiwen ended up with weihan
and went for the nightwalk
we followed the lightsticks
was really scary la
so me and terence just kept talking crap if not too tired will get scary haha =x
the first person to scare us was really scary
cos he covered himself with cloth or duno what
me and terence were scared haha
dan after i got over the shock i go pull down the cloth to see who was it
turned out to be ms lim's husband LOLOL
dan walked on
and on and on
until the next scare was keith laaaa
hahahah aiyo poor terence
whenever i scream he will get scared by me hhaha =x sorry dude !
dan continue walking
we could hear dogs barking and people talking on the other side of the lake
scary atmosphere
jerome was the anti-climax cos he wasnt that scary lol =x
jiexi and yeejean also suddenly popped out -_-
dan we all walked to the final destination
alot of people were there alrdy
waited for the last pair
wanted to scare them but decided not to
dan we walked back to campsite
had debrief
me peiwen jiexi yeejean shared a tent
packed our stuff
set our alarms and slept
abit difficult cos could still hear people talking
no mosquitoes ! =DD
woke up at 6+ with jiexi and yeejean hitting my butt lol -_-
washed up
had breakfast dan games
blindfolded ourselves
we were suppose to find our group members without talking and yaaa
was really funny (:
cos all of us were talking the seniors put uncooked maggi mee into our mouths
but still managed to talk
jasmine saboh-ed me by taking me to this grassy area -.- i was the only one there
dan jasmine and duno who said got stray dog behind me
i was so scared i started screaming cos i was blindfolded !
dan i started walking aimlessly until jasmine said if i continued walking in that direction im gonna knock into the tree LOL ..
omigoshh i was tricked about the dog laaaa .
dan lined up in order of height
alot of us ate the uncooked mee LOL
dan duno who ah, i m quite sure its either keith or ms lim's hubby, use a wet leaf to brush against my leg, making me think it was a dog who licked me
LOL .. kept screaming =xx haha
the guys werent in order of height so they did forfeit
by poledancing against a tree
was uber hilarious la (:
dan pakced up the tens and our stuff
went for navigation
was really long way and hot
but our team was great =DD
took some pics
missed some stations =x
i think jerome's station was damn stupid
count leaves on a stupid tree ?! we just did the forfeit laaa
and jerome helped us carry our stuff to the next station cos was uber heavy =D
caught up with peiwen's group at the sudoku station
they smart la, deposited their stuff at a restaurant -.-
walked to basketball court
noone's there so we went to jetty to rest
marie called saying the seniors were at the basketball court so we went back there
was so tired so me yeejean peiwen fell asleep
i used my bag as a pillow and used bandana and cloth to cover my face
sleep til damn shuang =DDD
and got someone, which im sure is keith again LOL, took away my bandana but i was so tired i didnt care and continue sleeping facing away from the sun, dan put the bandana back on my face after awhile -_-
went cycling with peiwen using ms lim and her hubby's bike
wahlau their seats damn high leh
got difficulty getting up the bike lol
went cycling with peiwen and keith hahahaha
cycled back
terence's group was lost so the seniors went to look for them
dan yup finally everyone arrived
had debrief
all of us got punished for leaving rubbish behind at the campsite, including the seniors =\
dan yup finally left pulau ubin
back to our stressful lives mugging =(
boated back to singapore
waited a longlong time for the seniors to arrive -_-
finally all of us went for dinner together
ate at hawker centre
xiangcong v funny la !
yiting thought he looked like jaychou singing in mv LOL
i think so too !
bus-ed to pasir ris
crapped on the bus
and wth i got stupid chewing gum stuck at the bottom of my bag !
haha ok its a contribution to
THE 50 MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENTS/THINGS DONE OF HAZEL which im sure its gonna be a best seller =D HAHA =x
fell asleep on the bus
dan we took 969 back to yishun
haha and i finally got my revenge against jasmine teasing her about .......... LOL =xxx
die alrdy
i think monday im gonna get it from jasmine and ............. OOPS (:
back home
slacked around waiting for SMILE AGAIN to start at 10.30pm
watched WISHING STAIRS in the meantime
my mum got so scared she covered her eyes -_-
and finally the korean show started !! =DD
aww man lee dong-gun and kim hee-sun look so good together !
but was so sleepy i didnt manage to finish watching so went to sleep
today brothers bought back BK for lunch =D
there was HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL on disney channel today !! =D
will get pics of the camp soon (:
off to study for bio SPA tomorrow
jiayou everyone !